
Support Community-Driven Theatre with A Gift

After a 6 year hiatus, The Ume Group is BACK… bringing original, community-driven theatre to communities across the United States with their new show PASSING.

Winner of a Artist Development Grant from the New England Foundation for the Arts National Theatre Project and finalist for their Creation & Touring Grant program, The Ume Group’s PASSING is on track for a two-week developmental residency and work-in-progress showing this November 2024 in New York City! (To learn more about the show, click here.)

The best part? You can support the work with a donation. (Now tax-deductible thanks to our fiscal sponsorship by Coin & Ghost theater in Los Angeles!)

For questions about giving, contact

Donors Benefits

  • Contributor ($250 – $499)
    • Recognition in our online donor listing.
    • Early access to reservations for November 16 workshop.
  • Supporter ($500 – $999)
    • Recognition in printed performance program (for donations received by Oct. 16) and on our online donor listing.
    • Early access to reservations for November 16 workshop.
  • Champion ($1k – >$3k)
    • Recognition in printed performance program (for donations received by Oct. 16) and on our online donor listing.
    • Reserved seating for 2 at the November 16 workshop performance plus early access to reserve additional tickets. (Seating is extremely limited.)
    • Emailed behind-the-scenes insights from the creative team
  • Producer ($3k +)
    • Recognition in printed performance program (for donations received by Oct. 16) and on our online donor listing.
    • Recognition from the stage at curtain.
    • Reserved seating for 4 at the November 16 workshop performance plus early access to reserve additional tickets. (Seating is extremely limited.)
    • Emailed behind-the-scenes insights from the creative team
    • A special “inside-the-art” gift!

The Ume Group’s PASSING Developmental Timeline

  • July – October 2024 | Community Interviewing
  • November 2024 | 2 Week Developmental Residency at Grace & St. Paul’s Church in NYC
    • November 16, 2024 at 7:30pm | Work-in-Progress Showing in NYC (Tickets limited.)
  • March 2025 | Developmental Residency TBD
  • October 2025 (tentative) | World Premiere in Seattle, NYC, or Los Angeles
  • November 2025 – August 2026 | National Tour